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Leverage pre-trained models and transfer learning for AI/ML development


Training an AI model has a significant carbon footprint. As part of your AI/ML process, you should evaluate using a pre-trained model and use transfer learning to avoid training a new model from scratch.


Evaluate and select pre-trained models and use transfer learning to avoid training a new model from scratch.

SCI Impact

SCI = (E * I) + M per R

Software Carbon Intensity Spec

Leveraging a pre-trained model would impact SCI as follows:

  • E: Having a pre-trained model reduces energy consumption for your AI/ML development as you don’t need to train the entire model from scratch.
  • M: Transfer learning does not require as many servers as you don’t need to train the entire model from scratch. By reducing the total number of servers required to run a process, the total embodied carbon is lower.




