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4 docs tagged with "storage"

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Avoid tracking unnecessary data

User tracking, user data collection and targeting in things like advertisements are responsible for significant energy use in many digital products, and services.

Delete unused storage resources

From an embodied carbon perspective, it's better to delete unused storage resources so we are efficient with hardware and so that the storage layer is optimised for the task.

Optimise storage utilization

It's better to maximise storage utilisation so the storage layer is optimised for the task, not only in terms of energy proportionality but also in terms of embodied carbon. Two storage units running at low utilization rates will consume more energy than one running at a high utilization rate. In addition, the unused capacity on the underutilised storage unit could be more efficiently used for another task or process.

Set storage retention policies

From an embodied carbon perspective, it's better to have an automated mechanism to delete unused storage resources so we are efficient with hardware and so that the storage layer is optimised for the task.